1) the way that someone acts a) post b) trend c) behavior d) manners 2) to think about something carefully a) consider b) behavior c) site d) hurt 3) to form or give an opinion about someone or something after thinking carefully about all the information you know about them a) reaction b) judge c) behavior d) opinion 4) polite ways of behaving in social situations a) getattention b) popularitycontest c) judge d) manners 5) speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people a) judge b) rude c) cruel d) trend 6) ways of sharing information, opinions, images, videos etc using the Internet, especially social networking sites a) anxious b) socialmedia c) offend d) tip 7) a small amount of additional money that you give to someone such as a waiter or a taxi driver a) getattention b) site c) reaction d) tip 8) worried because you think something bad might happen a) anxious b) rude c) version d) trend 9) extremely unkind, or causing someone to be unhappy or upset a) page b) offend c) factor d) cruel 10) to get someone’s interest or to make someone notice something a) reaction b) ignore c) getattention d) judge 11) to cause someone pain or injury a) consider b) hurt c) rude d) appropriate 12) the attitude that you have towards something, especially your thoughts about how good it is a) page b) anxious c) opinion d) reaction 13) the writing or pictures on a computer screen that you can see at one time, for example as part of a website a) judge b) site c) page d) getattention 14) to put writing or images online where other people can see them a) post b) ignore c) page d) popularitycontest 15) a place on the Internet where information is available about a particular subject, organization, etc. a) site b) anxious c) judge d) appropriate 16) an attempt to be more popular and liked than other people a) popularitycontest b) network c) hurt d) getattention 17) to make someone upset and angry by doing or saying something a) tip b) attitude c) factor d) offend 18) suitable or right for the situation or purpose a) socialmedia b) appropriate c) ignore d) version 19) someone’s opinions or feelings about something a) getattention b) anxious c) offend d) attitude 20) one of the things that influence whether an event happens or the way that it happens a) getattention b) factor c) ignore d) version 21) to not listen to someone or to not give something attention a) judge b) manners c) ignore d) anxious 22) the way that you feel or behave as a result of something that happens a) manners b) consider c) factor d) reaction 23) a gradual change or development a) appropriate b) trend c) manners d) socialmedia 24) a form of something, such as a computer program, that is different to other ones a) attitude b) version c) tip d) manners 25) a large system with many connected parts a) network b) version c) manners d) page

EAP I1 M1 U1 R2 Society Vocabulary Quiz



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