1) I can’t promise ... on time. a) be b) to be c) being d) was e) were f) will be 2) ... is better exercise than running. a) To swimming b) Swim c) Swims d) To swim e) Swimming 3) Would you like ... to a concert on Saturday? a) come b) coming c) to come d) comes 4) Do you mind ... so loudly? a) not to talk b) not talk c) to not talk d) not talking e) not to talking 5) It was very interesting ... my old school friends again. a) see b) to seeing c) to see 6) Duncan works at weekends ... more money. a) earning b) to earn c) for earn 7) On Sundays, Emma likes ... anything. a) relax and not to do b) to relax and to not do c) relaxing and not doing 8) We were unhappy with the service, so the restaurant offered ... us a free dinner. a) to give b) gave c) giving d) to giving 9) Is it difficult ... Japanese? a) learns b) learn c) to learning d) to learn 10) James is very competitive. He thinks ... is the most important thing. a) win b) winning c) to winning 11) She tried ... the man, but she was driving too fast. a) not hitting b) not to hit c) to not hit 12) We spent all evening ... . a) drank coffee and talked b) to drink coffee and to talk c) drinking coffee and talking 13) Excuse me, I need ... to the bathroom. a) to go b) going c) go d) went e) will go 14) They drove without ... for six hours. a) to stop b) stopped c) to stopping d) stop e) stopping 15) We’re thinking of ... to Mexico for our holidays next year. a) go b) to go c) going 16) I’m very happy ... here again. a) be b) to be c) being 17) We’ve decided ... camping this summer because it’s cheaper. a) to go b) go c) going 18) The man pretended ... the policeman. a) not understanding b) not to understand c) to not understand 19) Are you good at ... people’s names? a) remembering b) remember c) to remember

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