air pressure - The atmosphere that surrounds Earth has weight and pushes down on anything below it. The weight of air above a given area on Earth's surface is called atmospheric pressure or air pressure., atmosphere - The gases that surround Earth or another planet., climate - Average weather conditions for a region year after year, condensation - When a gas or vapor changes to a liquid, evaporate - To turn from liquid to vapor or gas., interpret - To explain the meaning of, map - A drawing or picture that shows important features in an area, measure - To find out the temperature, dimensions or capacity of, meteorologist  - A scientist that studies the atmosphere in order to understand and predict the weather., precipitation - Water that falls from the sky to the ground as rain, snow, sleet or hail., predict - To tell about in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge, regional - Affecting a particular region, temperature - how hot or cold something is , weather - day-to-day variation of the atmosphere's condition, locally , weather patterns - different phases of weather such as cold, hot, storms, rain, snow , rain gauge - Tool that measures the amount of rain at a location, weather instruments - tools for recording various aspects of the weather , thermometer - a device that measures air temperature, anemometer  - A tool for measuring wind speed ; how fast the wind is blowing, wind vane  - A tool that shows wind direction, barometer - a tool for measuring atmospheric pressure ,

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