1) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Cough Medicine b) Toothpaste c) Waffles d) Band-Aids 2) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Dragonfruit b) Pears c) Tangerine d) Ham 3) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Cabbage b) Kiwi c) Tomatoes d) Allergy Meds 4) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Greeting Cards b) Frozen Garlic Bread c) Frozen Chicken Nuggets d) Ice Cream 5) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Milk b) Steak c) Sliced American Cheese d) Cream Cheese 6) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Face Soap b) Shaving Razors c) Eggs d) Hair Brush 7) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Shampoo b) Loofah c) Soap d) Frozen French Fries 8) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Cinnamon Toast Crunch b) Lucky Charms c) Raisin Bran d) Peanut Butter 9) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Ice Cream b) Potatoes c) Frozen Meal d) Frozen Peas 10) Which of these items does NOT belong with the others? a) Nail Polish b) Celery c) Asparagus d) Lemon

Friday (03.25.22) - Which Doesn't Belong?



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