1) What his the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) I helped with the laundry b) I have helped with the laundry c) I help with the laundry 2) What is the correct sentence in present Perfect? a) He has taken out the rubbish b) He took out the rubbish c) He have taken out the rubbish 3) What is the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) She has tidied her room b) She hasn't tidied her room c) She have tidied her room 4) What is the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) We has fed our dog b) She has fed the dog c) They have fed the dog 5) What is the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) My mother has wiped all the windows b) My father has wiped all the windows c) My mother wiped all the windows 6) What is the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) My father mowed the lawn b) My father have mowed the lawn c) My father has mowed the lawn 7) She has lived in that house ________ she was a child a) for b) yet c) since 8) She has _______ woken up a) just b) already c) yet 9) They have waited _____ two hours a) just b) yet c) for 10) The film has ________ started a) yet b) already c) since 11) What is the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) He hasn't cleaned the bathroom yet b) He has cleaned the bathroom c) He cleaned the bathroom 12) What is the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) Julie didn't vacuum the floor b) Julie has vacuumed the floor c) Julie have vacuumed the floor 13) What is the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) She have done the ironing b) She is ironing c) She has done the ironing 14) What is the correct sentence in Present Perfect? a) Shirley has dusted all the furniture b) Shirley hasn't dusted all the furniture c) Shirley haven't dusted all the furniture 15) What is the correct question in Present Perfect? a) Have she mopped the floor? b) Has she mop the floor? c) Has she mopped the floor?

Present Perfect Quiz


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