alarm clock - a clock that makes a loud noise at the time you want to wake up, annoy - people make you angry (but not very angry) because you do not like what they are doing, appartment - a group of rooms on one floor of a building, where someone lives., business management - all the activities involved in running a business, especially when it is a subject that people study, cupboard - a piece of furniture with a door and shelves, where you can keep things inside your house or flat, dishes - the plates, cups, bowls, etc. that you use during a meal., forget - you do not remember sth, fridge - a large piece of kitchen equipment which keeps food at a low temperature so that it will stay fresh for longer, lie down - your body is flat and your head is on the same level as your feet, for example when you are in bed, a mess - an untidy place with lots of rubbish and things that are not wanted, retired - someone who does not work any more, usually because they are old, sink - the thing in a kitchen or bathroom that you can fill with water and use for washing things, study - a room in your house where you work, for example doing school work or other work that involves reading and writing, vegetables - plants such as cabbages or carrots or potatoes that you eat, village - place with buildings where people live, smaller than a city,

Outcomes elem Unit 3 p 28-29


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