1) We ......... some pasta for dinner yesterday. a) make b) made c) maked 2) I think we ...................... a bird feeder after the trip. a) make b) will make c) made 3) Lisa .......... crafts last week. a) did b) do c) made 4) Amy has got a new bike, so tomorrow she .................... mountain biking. a) go b) went c) will go 5) My family ...... a treasure hunt last summer. a) do b) did c) made 6) he/did/go/who/with/? a) Who with did he go? b) With who did he go? c) Who did he go with? 7) did/you/where/go a) Where did you go? b) Where you did go? c) Did you go where? 8) I ...... a train yesterday. a) saw b) see c) seed 9) He ....... with Cheryl and John. a) went b) had c) go 10) What did you eat for lunch yesterday? a) I eat spaghetti. b) I ate spaghetti. c) I did eat spaghetti. 11) What did you watch on TV? a) I watch a wildlife film. b) I did watched a wildlife film. c) I watched a wildlife film. 12) Where did you go last weekend? a) I went to the cinema. b) I go to the cinema. c) I goed to the cinema. 13) Who did you talk to last night? a) I talk to my dad. b) I talked to my dad. c) I talked my dad. 14) What will you do this evening? a) I will read a book. b) I read a book. c) I readed a book 15) Where will you go tomorrow? a) I go to the shop. b) I'll go to the shop. c) I went to the shop.


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