Skateboarding - a device made of a board mounted on large roller-skate wheels and supporting a rider., Cycling - a vehicle with two wheels, pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain, handlebars for steering, and a seat like a saddle., Boxing - the act, technique, or profession of fighting with the fists., Swim - to move in water by using the limbs, fins, tail, etc., Tennis - a game played on a rectangular court by players with rackets, in which a ball is driven back and forth over a low net., Volley - the shooting of a number of missiles or firearms at the same time., Basketball - a game played by two teams who attempt to score points by tossing a ball through abasketon the opponent's side of the court., Rhythmic gymnastics  - is a sport in which gymnasts perform on a floor with an apparatus: hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon or rope., Weight lifting - the gravitational force exerted upon a body., Baseball - a game involving the batting of a hard ball, played by two teams of nine players each on a large field with four bases.,


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