1) the right or power to give orders, make decisions, or control people a) Reasoning b) Authority c) Coincide d) Upheaval 2) a garden where many types of plants, especially rare or exotic ones are grown for enjoyment and scientific study a) Botanical gardens b) Sewage c) Intellectual d) Hygienic 3) to be in the same place or happen at the same time a) Intellectual b) Significant c) Coincide d) Authority 4) clean, healthy and prevents disease a) Observatory b) Intellectual c) Hygienic d) Reasoning 5) the process of turning raw materials into finished products a) Botanical gardens b) Philosophy c) Industry d) Upheaval 6) able to reason and understand a) Intellectual b) Philosophy c) Coincide d) Reasoning 7) a way of solving problems that uses careful thought a) Coincide b) Sewage c) Logic d) Reasoning 8) a building that has telescopes and equipment for studying the sun, moon, planets and stars a) Philosophy b) Splendour c) Intellectual d) Observatory 9) the study of the nature of life, truth, knowledge, and other important human matters a) Philosophy b) Industry c) Significant d) Reasoning 10) using logic and facts a) Reasoning b) Logic c) Trade d) Significant 11) water and waste material that is carried away in sewers a) Sewage b) Intellectual c) Botanical gardens d) Significant 12) important a) Splendour b) Logic c) Coincide d) Significant 13) grand, magnificent a) Coincide b) Observatory c) Splendour d) Trade 14) exchanging or buying and selling goods a) Sewage b) Trade c) Botanical gardens d) Splendour 15) sudden or violent change a) Upheaval b) Reasoning c) Hygienic d) Trade

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