attentive - listening and watching carefully and with interest, calm - relaxed, not excited or nervous, cheeky - rude in a funny or annoying way, intelligent - clever, faithful - loyal, pessimistic - always expecting something bad to happen, dishonest - not telling the truth, unpleasant - not kind or friendly, not liked by others, hard-working - putting in a lot of work to do everything well, honest - always telling the truth, nervous - feeling anxious or afraid, humble - showing that you do not feel as important as other people, being happy with a simple life, lively - full of life and energy, obedient - willing to obey the rules, optimistic - always looking at the bright side of life, outgoing - enjoying the company of others and meeting new people, easygoing - relaxed and happy, a person who doesn't worry much, patient - able to wait for a long time without feeling angry, impatient - easily annoyed when something takes a long time, polite - behaving well and showing respect, popular - being liked by lots of other people, reserved - not showing many emotions, a person who stays in the background, distracted - not paying attention, shy - nervous about meeting or speaking to others, rude - showing disrespect towards others, silly - foolish, unfriendly - not kind , selfish - always focusing on yourself more than on others, naughty - behaving badly, not willing to obey, talkative - liking to talk a lot,
Describing personality - match up
7. Klasse
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