1) The "S" in SMART Goals stands for ___________ a) Safe b) Sensible c) Specific d) Sturdy 2) A specific goal is clear about... a) … what you want to accomplish and why b) … how much it will cost c) … what your friends think about it d) … nothing. Goals should be vague. 3) The "M" in SMART goals stands for ___________ a) Massive b) Meaningful c) Measurable d) Mysterious 4) A measurable goal helps us know ... a) … how to "measure up" for success b) … when we have reached the goal c) … how tall we will need to be d) … how low can you go 5) The "A" stands for _____________ a) Attainable  b) Ambitious c) Additional d) … "all together fun" 6) An attainable goal is challenging but not... a) … easy b) … boring c) … impossible d) … challenging at all 7) The "R" stands for ____________ a) Random b) Realistic c) Rational d) … Round 8) A realistic goal... a) … fits in with all you hope to accomplish b) … fits with what others are doing c) … is passed down by your family d) … fits nowhere in your life 9) The "T" in SMART goals stands for ____________ a) Time-based b) Tremendous c) Total d) Tapioca-like 10) A time-based goal is one which has a... a) … help-line b) … deadline c) … life-line d) … pipe line

Know your SMART GOALs



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