1) Alice ... (cook) a tasty dinner yesterday. a) cookd b) cook c) cooked 2) Jim ... (visit) his grandmother yesterday. a) visited b) visitted c) visits 3) Molly ... (cry) two hours ago. a) cryed b) cries c) cried 4) He ... (drop) 2 glasses this morning. a) droped b) dropped c) droping 5) Mary ... (invite) all her friends to her birthday party. It was fantastic! a) invites b) invited c) invitied 6) They ... (skate) a lot, because it was Sunday yesterday. a) skated b) skatied c) skating 7) Bob, Matt, and Sophie ... (watch) football last Monday. a) watching b) watched c) watches 8) I ... (fry) chicken last Tuesday. a) fryed b) frying c) fried 9) It ... (rain) a lot last October. a) rains b) raining c) rained 10) Molly ... (wash) all plates and bowls. Her mum was happy. a) washed b) washes c) washing 11) The film was very funny. We ...(laugh) a lot. a) laughd b) laughed c) laughing

Past Simple (regular verbs)


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