1) The sport of using a boat to travel on the sea. a) cycling b) hiking c) sailing d) camping 2) Going up a mountain using your hands, feet and ropes. a) sailing b) climbing c) camping d) canoeing 3) The sport of riding a bicycle. a) cycling b) volleyball c) surfing d) climbing 4) A game played on a court by two teams with a white ball. a) volleyball b) canoeing c) sailing d) hiking 5) The sport of riding ocean waves on a special board. a) hiking b) camping c) canoeing d) surfing 6) Activity that consists of going along the mountains on foot. a) sailing b) cycling c) hiking d) surfing 7) An activity where you sleep outside in a tent. a) camping b) canoeing c) hiking d) volleyball 8) A sport which involves paddling o canoe with a single-bladed paddle. a) volleyball b) sailing c) canoeing d) cycling

T5B 6.4 Summer activities Quiz


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