1) hate a) singing b) sing c) to sing 2) can't stand + a) washing b) wash c) to wash 3) seem a) having b) have c) to have 4) enjoy a) working b) work c) to work 5) look forward to a) helping b) help c) to help 6) hope a) buying b) buy c) to buy 7) keep a) learning b) learn c) to learn 8) make herself a) selling b) sell c) to sell 9) they're really into a) swimming b) swim c) to swim 10) adore a) watching b) watch c) to watch 11) don't mind a) helping b) help c) to help 12) let him a) going b) go c) to go 13) i'm keen on a) dancing b) dance c) to dance 14) how about a) watching b) watch c) to watch 15) Let's a) making b) make c) to make




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