1) More killing is a .................. sign. a) Major b) Minor 2) Dajjal is a .................. sign. a) Major b) Minor 3) Time passing quickly is a .................. sign. a) Major b) Minor 4) Music being widespread is a .................. sign. a) Major b) Minor 5) More children being disrespectful to parents is a .................. sign. a) Major b) Minor 6) The Dajjal will be blind from one eye. a) True b) False 7) The Dajjal is a prophet. a) True b) False 8) The Dajjal arms will be crooked. a) True b) False 9) The Dajjal forehead will say kafir and all the believers will see it. a) True b) False 10) The Dajjal will not be able to enter Makkah. a) True b) False 11) ___________________ will appear in Damascus. a) Dajjal b) War c) Minor d) Iblis e) Isa 12) The beast is one of the ___________________ signs of the Last Day. It will talk to people about _________________. a) War b) Jerusalem c) Minor d) Major e) Party f) God 13) There will be a big ________________ between the Muslims and the followers of __________________. a) Isa b) Jerusalem c) Iblis d) Dajjal e) war f) Allah

Signs of the Last Day 1


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