Amplitude - Size of sound wave. Bigger amplitude = louder, Anvil - Bone of the middle ear (also stirrup and hammer), Cochlea - Part of inner ear where liquid and hairs vibrate, Decibel - Unit of volume/loudness, Eardrum - Part of middle ear which vibrating air hits, Echo - Sound bouncing (reflecting) off surfaces, Frequency - Number of waves per second. Higher frequency = higher pitch, Hammer - Bone of the middle ear (also stirrup and anvil), Particles - Tiny parts of matter, Pinna - Flap of skin on side of head which catches sound waves, Stirrup - Bone of the middle ear (also anvil and hammer), Vacuum - Empty space (no particles at all), Vibration - Movement backwards and forwards, Volume - How loud a sound is, Waves - Vibrating particles hit adjacent particles making them move,


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