1) Antarctica a) a continent b) a country c) a city 2) the Nile a) a lake b) a river c) a sea 3) Greenland a) a continent b) a city c) an island 4) Tokyo a) a city b) a mountain c) a country 5) the Pacific ocean a) a sea b) an ocean c) a river 6) the Amazon a) a lake b) a river c) an ocean 7) Baikal a) a lake b) an ocean c) a river 8) Vatican City a) a town b) a country c) an island 9) the Sahara a) a desert b) a dessert c) a beach 10) Russia a) a continent b) an island c) a country 11) Angel Falls a) a waterfall b) a mountain c) a lake 12) Everest a) a mountain b) a hill c) a continent 13) Password to move to the next task "geographical" a) ok b) got it

Geographical features


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