advertising (n), consumer (n), decade (n), demand (v), goods (n pl), importance (n), influence (v), invention (n), multinational company (n), power (n), significant (adj), store (n), stream (v), subject (n), survey (n), valuable (adj), alike (adv), as many … as … (phrase), compared with (phrase), equal (adj), have (a lot) in common (phrase), the difference between (phrase), while (conj), decline (v), demonstrate (v), financial (adj), gender (n), phase (n), portion (n), seek (v), target (n), domestic (adj), maintain (v), ancient (adj), forward (adv), loan (n, v), particular (adj), population (n), recent (adj), surrounding (adj), within (prep).

EAP M2 End of U4 Vocab Review


Onnenpyörä on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.

Visuaalinen tyyli


Vaihda mallia

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