If I have a lot of money, ... (possible future), I feel relaxed when ... (real present), If the weather is nice tomorrow, ... (possible future), When I have lots of work to do, ... (real present), I can save time in the mornings if... (real present), If I'm late for work, ... (real present), When I feel exhausted, ... (real present), I won't be happy if ... (possible future), If I work hard this year, ... (possible future), I might go out at the weekend if ... (possible future), I get annoyed when ... (real present), I'll be really proud if... (possible future), If I do exercise every day, ... (possible future), I will go abroad next year if ... (possible future).

Zero or First conditional


Korttipakka on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.

Visuaalinen tyyli


Vaihda mallia

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