If I were a song, I would be... because..., If I were a mythological figure, I would be... because..., If I were a Disney Character, I would be... because..., If I were a pizza, I would be... because..., If I were a book, I would be... because..., If I were a Harry Potter character, I would be... because..., If I were a movie, I would be... because..., What would you do if you never had to sleep again?, What would you do if you could be invisible to the human eye?, What would you do if you could change an event in history?, What would you do if you were immortal?, Complete the sentence: "People would be happier if...", Imagine you have a superpower, what would it be?, To be my friend you have to...., If you had the opportunity to bring a cartoon to life, what cartoon would it be?, You need to choose a horror movie character to follow you, and another one to protect you. Who would you choose? , If you had the opportunity to resurrect a famous person that has passed away, who would it be? .


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