Ingestion - The intake of food into the mouth., Peristalsis - The involuntary movement of food down the gullet by smooth muscle segments., Churning - Backward and forward movement of the stomach walls. , Absorption - The diffusion of food from the ileum into the bloodstream or lacteal of the villi., Assimilation - The usage of nutrients by body cells and tissues., Chemical Digestion - The breakdown of insoluble foods into soluble components that can be absorbed by cells., Physical digestion - The physical breakdown of food by the action of the teeth, tongue and gastrointestinal or gut walls., Chyme - Food in a semi-liquid state, Bolus - Food rolled into a ball by the action of the teeth and tongue., Enzymes - Biological catalyst or protein molecules which speed up chemical reactions., Digestive juices - Fluids secreted by accessory organs which aids the digestive process., Segmentation - The churning movement of the large intestinal walls through periodic muscle contractions to move the food forward., Defecation - The elimination or removal of undigested food from the anus., Mastication - The chewing and breaking up of food into smaller pieces by the teeth.,


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