1) The student replied to the teacher with a witty answer and the class laughed. a) Funny b) mean c) word 2) I looked at my brother with a glare after he broke my toy. a) confusing b) silly c) mean look 3) Fireworks on Canada day give off a beautiful glimmer in the sky. a) look b) glow c) smell 4) When we go camping, my father will ignite the fire so we can roast marshmallows a) see b) start c) put out 5) He chose to delete the unhealthy foods from his meal and make better choices a) add b) make more c) remove 6) My grandpa will doze during television shows he watches when he is tired. a) nap b) discuss c) cheer 7) The curious puppy emptied the bag while he sniffed around looking for something to chew. a) problem b) interested c) happy 8) Each day during the spring there is a slight increase in temperature until summer arrives. a) small b) huge c) increase 9) The tower will topple if it has too much weight at the top. a) fall over b) grow c) stay the same 10) The students who put in their best effort will be included in the celebration. a) picture b) smile c) hard work 11) The long hike up to the top of the mountain was extremely gruelling. a) easy b) loud c) tiring  12) The conspicuous man wore a purple wig and large sunglasses a) easily noticed b) sad c) sleeping 13) I was so parched, I drank an entire glass of water in one gulp. a) hungry b) thirsty c) tired 14) The parking lot was so congested, it took half an hour to get out! a) empty b) full c) hot

Context clues (grade 3)



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