boycott - Refuse to deal with something such as an organisation, company or process, as a protest against it or to force it to become more acceptable., discrimination - The unfair treatment of one person or group because of prejudice about race, ethnicity, age, regligion or gender., freedom - The right to act, speak and live however one chooses without limitations, fear or imprisionment, human rights - Standards of treatment or equality of opportunity that all people everywhere should have so they can have fair, free and peaceful lives., oppression - To subject a person or people to a cruel or harsh form of control or domination, prejudice - a strong dislike or unpleasant opinion of a person or group based upon religion, social status, race, or stereotype., prisoners of conscience - people who are imprisoned simply for the peaceful expression of their own beliefs. , Racism - The belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities and that one race is superior to another., Segregation - A forced separation of racial groups usually in terms of schools, housing and transportation, which discriminates against the smaller group, Sexism - Discrimination and prejudice against people, typically women, on the basis of their sex or gender, social justice - Idea that all groups of people should get a fair share of the Earth's resources and be free from oppression., Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) - Declaration passed in December 1948 aimed to promote and encourage respect for human rights and basic freedoms.,
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