Agree: Yes, that is true!, That´s a good point., I think you´re right., Sure!, Disagree: Sorry, but I don´t think the same., I´m not sure I agree. , I´m not sure about that. , I see your point, however, I believe that..., Ask your partner: Don't you think so?, Do you agree?, It's important, isn't it?, How do you feel about that?, Expressing your opinion: I believe that, As I see it.., Personally, I feel that..., To my mind, …., Making suggestions: What about…? , How about…?, Why don't we...?, Shall we…?, Reaching agreement: It's time to decide. So let's choose ..., shall we?, Yes, I think that would be best., We'll go for that one then?, So, we think he'd like... Is that right?,

PET - Speaking part 3 (Useful phrases)


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