1) a unpleasant, prolonged experience a) hurling b) ordeal c) hide d) maul 2) time of day before the sun sets a) dusk b) throbbing c) launching d) swarm 3) a concealed structure to observe nature from a) launching b) disturb c) hide d) ordeal 4) a group of creatures that moves together in large numbers a) scorching b) launching c) swarm d) hurling 5) extremely good a) dusk b) stalking c) awesome d) maul 6) beginning an action a) launching b) stalking c) hide d) hurling 7) a physical attack a) hide b) throbbing c) assault d) hurling 8) extremely hot a) stalking b) claw c) launching d) scorching 9) looking for or approaching stealthily a) stalking b) awesome c) disturb d) hurling 10) throwing with force a) hurling b) assault c) prawns d) disturb 11) beatinf with a strong, regular rhythm a) throbbing b) launching c) dusk d) disturb 12) interrupt a) claw b) assault c) hide d) disturb 13) scratch or tear something with the fingernails a) hide b) scorching c) claw d) prawns 14) shellfish a) throbbing b) prawns c) dusk d) claw 15) wound (a person or animal) by scratching and tearing a) maul b) hurling c) swarm d) prawns

VOCABULARY: Awesome Morning



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