We don't have much time so let's put your report in ... . - a nutshell, You've got my e-mail address. Please, drop me ... from time to time. - a line, It's quite late, so let's get straight to ... . - the point, The info is not confirmed. I heard it on the ... yesterday. - grapevine, I promise to put you in ... about the case. - the picture, I'll keep you ... , I promise. - posted, I was totally confused. I couldn't make ... or tail of it. - head , I think he got the wrong end of the ... . I didn't know what he was talking about. - stick, I really put my ... in my mouth – I asked her if Clare was her mother - it was her sister! - foot, I'm afraid we got our ... crossed about the meeting. It's Tuesday 23rd, not Thursday. - wires, I'll ... hold of Mrs Brown later. I'm busy at the moment. - get, We were talking at cross ... . We failed to get final answers. - purposes, Well, most of the time he was beating about the ... , I didn't learn anything specific. - bush, Me and Ann agree on most things. We seem to be on the same ... . - wavelength,




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