What do you enjoy most about learning English?, Are you the kind of person who can do two things at once?, How do you like to spend your free time?, Are you planning to do any courses in the future?, If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?, How often do you use social networking?, How long have you been learning English?, What are the pros and cons of doing physical exercise?, What do you consider is your greatest achievement so far?, What negative effects has the internet had on our lives?, How important is our diet in living a healthy life?, Would you say you are an early-riser or a night-owl?, What can be done to prevent global warming?, How do you get along with your family?, What's your view on online shopping?, Do you reckon that today people spend money on things they don't need?, Is it a good idea to stay in the same job all your life or it's better to try different things?, Is it essential to get a degree in today's society?, What can students learn from failing exams?, What are the possible differences faced when travelling abroad?, Would you say that technology has improved our lives?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone?, Would you say you value the opinion of your friends or your family more?, How could the educational system be improved in your country?.
CAE Speaking Part 1
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