1) I’m not going to tell you the reason ... my decision a) to b) with c) on d) for e) is f) in 2) I promise that I... to work on time every morning in future a) get b) am getting c) will get d) would get e) are get f) was getting 3) Helen asked me if... the film called “Star wars” a) have I seen b) have you seen c) had I seen d) I had seen e) had seen f) have he seen 4) You must try not to ... so many mistakes. a) do b) tell c) perform d) take e) make f) go 5) Open the window, ... you? a) must b) need c) can d) will e) able to f) may 6) The... from London to Bristol takes two hours by car. a) travel b) journey c) voyage d) driving e) go f) walk 7) “I’m not very hungry”. — “…” a) Neither do I b) I am c) So am I d) Nor I am. e) Either f) Neither I do 8) The food at the party was horrible, I’ve never eaten ... awful food! a) such b) such a c) such an d) so e) no f) next

English grammar



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