An extended family includes wider ____ This includes grandparents: a vertical extended family or aunts, uncles, cousins; a ____ extended family. In recent years the ____ family has emerged, a form of vertical family with ____ children. Wall (2004) argued that the extended vertical family had significantly ____ in recent years, with fewer ____ living with their extended kin. A change in ____ towards individualism and increase in ____ age make it difficult to spare time for caring duties could partially explain this. Victor (2003), however, argued that a new ____ of increasing numbers of extended families was emerging, though still only a small amount of all families. One reason for this could be the rapid increase in the cost of ____ and care for the elderly. Hoban (2011) questioned a sample of elderly people and found 78% , though not living with extended family, did see members at least ____ a week suggesting ____ are maintained. Willmott (1988) described the modern extended family as ____ due to the growth in ____ mobility. Chambers (2013) showed that a ____ family maintains contact even when living long distances apart, because of developments in ____ such as Facebook, WhatsApp and Zoom.

Family structures


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