1) The cruel king was ____________ from his kingdom as punishment. a) banished b) declined c) omitted d) taunted e) posterized f) outdone 2) Do not be ____________ with a policeman, you will make the situation worse. a) tactful b) posterizing c) taunting d) confrontational e) elevating f) bellissimo 3) The magician tried __________ his assistant above the crowd. a) declining b) elevating c) relishing d) evading e) posterizing f) rummaging 4) LeBron James is very good at _____________ is opponents on the basketball court. a) relishing b) confronting c) banishing d) posterizing e) embracing f) strategizing 5) I think wearing uniforms to school is stupid and ______. a) omiting b) cruel c) lame d) biased e) declining f) confrontational 6) Michael Jackson is a famous, _____________ singer. a) legendary b) confrontational c) amateur d) rare e) lame f) cruel 7) A tornado is a great ________ and causes much devastation. a) strategy b) conspiracy c) calamity d) bias e) forgery f) remorse 8) Our coach developed a great defense _____________ to use in the game against Ocean Springs on Friday. a) outdone b) posterize c) privacy d) zeal e) strategy f) vengeance 9) The _______ basketball players do not have any sponsors for their jerseys. a) prosperous b) remorseful c) tactful d) amateur e) elevated f) bellissimo 10) The other team was ___________ our team when Shoop missed 3 free throws in a row. a) mocking b) lame c) posterizing d) elevating e) cackling f) zealous 11) bias a) a strong feeling of guilt and regret b) the feeling of being bored c) special importance d) stressful e) unfair preference for something or an unfair dislike of something f) sameness 12) synonym for emphasis a) copy b) misfortune c) sameness d) lame e) legendary f) stress 13) synonym for equality a) impartiality b) regret c) copy d) unfairness e) unequal f) dislike 14) a state of uncontrolled activity, agitation, or emotion a) valor b) frenzy c) calamity d) remorse e) equality f) regret 15) Remorse a) a state of uncontrolled agitation b) the feeling of being bored c) courage, especially that shown in war or battle d) a great disaster e) lovely f) a strong feeling of guilt and regret 16) Use ______ when you are working in a group; otherwise, you may hurt someone's feelings. a) zeal b) joy c) tact d) eagerness e) privacy f) lame 17) Many movie stars vacation in remote locations like Fiji for the _______ and time away from fans and paparazzi. a) outdone b) company c) joy d) privacy e) zeal f) legendary 18) antonym for purity a) goodness b) forgiveness c) rudeness d) lame e) pollution f) bias 19) antonym for prosperity a) company b) riches c) frequency d) poverty e) privacy f) equality 20) The police uncovered a ______________ to rob the local bank. a) conspiracy b) tragedy c) vacancy d) payback e) riches f) valor 21) rarity a) the state of being vacant or empty b) revenge c) a condition of enjoying wealth, success, or good fortune, success d) something that happens rarely or is valuable or unusual e) making fun of someone f) courage, especially shown in war or battle 22) zeal a) the state of being bored b) energetic and tireless enthusiasm c) scheme, plan d) poverty e) courage, especially shown in war or battle f) the state of being vacant or empty 23) synonym for foretell a) improve b) avoid c) predict d) appease e) lame f) zeal 24) Because they forgot the matches, the cold campers tried desperately to _______ the fire by rubbing two sticks together. a) enhance b) dampen c) aggravate d) ignite e) extinguish f) elevate 25) I was devastated when my name was _______ from the list of Honor Roll students. a) omitted b) forecasted c) rejected d) relished e) ignited f) enhanced 26) pacify is to a) escape or avoid somebody b) enjoy or take great pleasure in an experience c) hug somebody d) beg e) calm somebody who is angry or agitated f) banish 27) Implore is to ______ someone a) beg b) avoid c) pacify d) hug e) decline f) confront 28) I will try to ________ doing the dishes because I hate doing chores. a) relish b) evade c) omit d) embrace e) confront f) ignite 29) embrace a) mock or make fun of someone b) bring peace to an area c) hug someone or to welcome something eagerly d) avoid doing something unpleasant e) bring shame upon yourself f) confront the person you have problems with 30) to enjoy or take great pleasure in an experience is to a) pacify b) embrace c) enrich d) relinquish e) decline f) relish

Mrs. Bryan 1st Term Exam


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