If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?, What is your favorite season and why?, If you could have three wishes, what would they be?, What is something you're really good at?, What is something that is hard for you?, What is your favorite thing about yourself?, What would you do with a million dollars?, What do you wish you could change in your life?, What are your three favorite foods?, Tell me about your family. Who is in it and what are they like?, What do you like to do for fun?, What is your favorite subject in school?, What do you want to be when you grow up?, What is your favorite place in the world and why?, Who is someone you admire or see as a hero? Why?, If you could learn how to do something, what would you choose?, What is something you have done that you are proud of?, If you had a superpower what would it be and why?, What is something that makes you feel happy?, What is something that makes you feel sad?, What is something that makes you feel nervous or scared?, What is something that makes you feel angry?, What helps you feel better when you are upset?, Do you have any pets?.

Getting To Know You


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