1. Have you remembered to ____ the TV into the socket? Maybe that's why it won't work. 2. Oh no! I think the car's about to ____ out of petrol! 3. The computer's crashed again. We'll have to ____ it. 4. I can't get a ____. Is there something wrong with the Wi-Fi? 5. I don't need a key to start my car. I just ____ a button. 6. I think I ought to get a flu jab, but I hate having ____. 7. I hope the car's OK. The last thing we want is to ____ on the motorway. 8. I have to have a minor ____ tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous. 9. Don't forget to ____ off your phone when you're on the plane. 10. Scientists are going to ____ an experiment on the effects of social networking.

5.1 voc Speakout Intermediate


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