1) When you … to the station the train ... a) got / had already left b) got / left c) had got / had left d) had got / left 2) He … very cold because he … his coat. a) had been / wasn't taking b) was / hadn't taken c) was / wasn' taking d) had been / didn't take 3) My dad … the wall for two hours before my mum ... to help him. a) was painting / had come b) painted / was coming c) had painted / had come d) had been painting / came 4) Helen … for three hours before it ... to rain. a) was sunbathing / had started b) had been sunbathing / started c) was sunbathing / was starting d) had been sunbathing / had started 5) We … the pyramids before we … to Egypt in 2018. a) never saw / had gone b) had never seen / had been going c) had never seen / went d) had never seen / had gone 6) His clothes … dirty because he … in the mud. a) was / had been playing b) were / had been playing c) had been / had been playing d) had been / was playing

Past S- Past Perfect- Past Perfect Continuous


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