An Integrated ____ (IC) is also called as chip or microchip. It is a semiconductor ____ in which millions of components are ____. The active and passive components such as resistors, diodes, ____ etc and external connections are usually fabricated in on extremely tiny single chip of ____. All circuit components and interconnections are formed on single thin wafer (____) is called monolithic IC. The steps to fabricate IC ____ is similar to the steps required to fabricate transistors, diodes etc. In IC chips, the ____ of circuit ____ such as transistors, diodes, capacitors etc. and their interconnections are done at ____ time. It has so many ____ such as extremely small size, ____ weight, ____ cost, low power consumption, high processing speed, easy replacement, etc. IC is the principal component in all ____ devices. IC can function as ____, ____, timer, counter, computer memory etc.

Fabrication Process of IC


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