1) You’re eating a lot. You ... be hungry! a) must b) can’t 2) They’re looking at a street map. They ... be tourists. a) can’t b) might 3) That ice cream is really expensive. It ... be delicious. a) must b) can’t 4) They’re wearing T-shirts. It ... be cold today. a) can’t b) might 5) There’s ice on the road. It ... be slippery. a) might b) can’t 6) These biscuits don’t have any sugar in them. They ... taste very sweet. a) can’t b) must 7) This jacket is made from very expensive leather. It ... cost a lot of money. a) must b) can't 8) That bicycle is quite small. It ... belong to a child. a) can't b) may 9) Jo plays tennis for three hours every day. She ... have much time to meet her friends. a) can't b) could 10) The musicians are excellent. They ... practise a lot to be so good. a) can't b) must

modals of deduction


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