Something we simply cannot do without, Something we would like but not essential, Divided into two categories: regular and irregular, Can be calculated using piece rate or time rate, Fixed annual payment for work completed, Income for those retired from work., Payment made to parents/guardians of children, Portion of profits paid to shareholders, An example is a company car, Wage calculation based on number of hours worked, Wage calculation based on amount of work actually completed, Employees receive this when they work for longer than their normal/standard working week, This type of payment motivates sales staff., Extra payment for achieving performance targets, Amount earned before any additional payments, Basic Pay + Overtime + Bonus, Also called 'take home pay', Required to pay by law, Examples include trade union membership and social club membership, Three categories: Fixed, Irregular & Discretionary, Examples include mortgage repayments, rent and car tax, Examples include groceries, motor fuel and light/heat cost, Spending of this type tried to satisfy our wants rather than our needs., Buying on the 'spur of the moment', A purchase that initially appears to be good value for money but in the longer term turns out to be more expensive.
Bingo- Income & Expenditure
Junior Cycle
Business Studies
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