a gas plants get from the air and need to make their own food - carbon dioxide, a plant part that has colorful petals and makes seeds - flower, the color that helps plants make their own food - green, to get bigger or older - grow, the flat part of a plant that helps it make food - leaf, something found in soil and water and is used by living things to grow - nutrient, a gas that plants give off and people breathe - oxygen, a living thing that makes its own food - plant, the process plants use to make their own food - photosynthesis, a plant part that holds the plant in place and takes in water and nutrients from the soil - root, a small plant part made by flowers that can make a new plant - seed, dirt with nutrients that plants can grow in - soil, a plant part that supports the plant and moves water and nutrients to the rest of the plant - stem, the sweet food that plants make and use for energy - sugar, the light from the Sun - sunlight, a clear liquid that all living things need to live - water, something living things need to get energy to grow - food, a place where plants are grown - garden,

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