1) Fran......a spider. a) have got b) has got c) is 2) Ana and Franka......a parrot.  a) has got b) are c) have got 3) Ilija..... a dog.  a) has got b) are c) have got 4) ... Eva got a cat? a) Have b) Has c) Is 5) ..... Lora and Stipe got fish? a) Has b) Have c) Are 6) ......Katarina a cat? a) Is b) Are c) Has 7) .... Borna and Jakov friends? a) Have b) Is c) Are 8) .....Karlo good in judo? a) Is b) Are c) Has 9) Anja.... ...three rabbits. a) have got b) has got c) are got 10) ......Dunja and Veronika got homework? a) Has b) Have c) Are 11) ......Petar got a hamster? a) Have b) Are c) Has 12) Ruža and Nera..... got a horse.  a) have got b) has hot c) are

to be/have got


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