1) /BE to the cinema recently? - What / SEE? - LIKE it? 2) /BUY any new clothes recently? - What / BUY? 3) /HAVE a really good meal recently? - Where / GO? - What / HAVE? 4) /WATCH a football match recently? - /your favourite team WIN? 5) /ever BE on TV? - What programme / BE it? 6) /ever LOSE your mobile? - Where / LOSE it? - /FIND it? 7) /ever WIN a cup or medal? - What / WIN it for? 8) /ever SPEAK to a famous person? - Who / BE it? - What / SAY? 9) /ever WRITE a love letter? - Who / BE it for? - /GET a reply? 10) /ever ARRIVE late for an important event? -  Why / BE you late? - What / DO?

Present Perfect vs Past Simple



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