bookshelves - You can keep your books on these, balcony - Area you can stand or sit on outside an upstairs window or door, painted - One wall is papered, but the others are white, bedspread - A cover for a bed., medal - If you win a race, you may get a gold one, toys - Teddy bears are soft __________., tidy - The opposite of untidy, cupboard - You can keep things in this piece of furniture which has doors and sometimes shelves, wardrobe - A piece of furniture in which you hang up your clothes., bunk beds - You sleep on them; they are fixed together with one on top of the other., messy - Untidy., collection - A group of similar objects that someone has put together., childhood - The part of your life when you are a child, trophies - Prizes you get for winning a race or a competition,

9 Advance L5-6



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