1. Do you usually ____ your parents’ advice? Why? Why not? Have you ever not ____ some advice and regretted it later?2. Is your room ____ like the one in the picture above? If so, with what? Books? Clothes? 3. Do people ever ____ to your house unannounced? 4. What’s the best way to ____ a fight? Have you ever done it? 5. How do you get to class? Do you travel alone or does someone ____ in a car? 6. Do you always ____ important files? If so where do you keep them? Have you ever lost an important document or file? 7. When was the last time you ____ something from your childhood that you hadn’t seen for ages? 8. What ____ this weekend? 9. Can you ____ the amount of work you have to do at the moment? What do you do to relieve stress?

Phrasal verbs CAE 1


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