1) a story that may not be true but that some people believe a) myth b) gym c) Egypt d) pyramid 2) a place to exercise a) myth b) gym c) Egypt d) pyramid 3) A 3d shape and a famous buildiung a) Egypt b) lyric c) pyramid d) mystery 4) A country a) pyramid b) hymn c) Egypt d) system 5) a problem that remains unsolved a) typical b) system c) lyric d) mystery 6) a religious song a) pyramid b) symbol c) typical gym d) hymn 7) a process or part of a function a) symbol b) system c) mystery d) lyric 8) a picture or image with a particular meaning a) mystery b) hymn c) lyric d) Egypt e) symbol 9) the words of a song a) lyric b) mystery c) typical d) hymn 10) regular or usual a) typical b) lyric c) system d) Egypt

Term 2a Week 1 Maze chase



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