What do you think of robots?, When do you smile most often [why/why not?], Do you like to wear perfume/aftershave?, How often do you wear jeans?, How long have you had your current hairstyle?, Have you ever had a haircut that you didn’t like?, Why do you think jeans are so popular around the world?, Can you tell when somebody’s smile is not real? [why/why not?], Do you have a good memory?, How often do you buy shoes?, How many hours do you sleep at night?, Do you know the people who live next door to you?, Do you dream much at night? Do you often remember your dreams?, What is your favourite animal?, Do you like trees?, Describe a law that you think is good., Describe a bad weather experience you have had., What is your favourite bird?, Describe a historical place that you know about., Describe a foreign country you have never been to., Describe a musical event in your country., Describe a positive change in your life., Describe a bad weather experience you have had., Describe a difficult thing you did well., Describe a difficult thing you did well., Talk about a funny incident that happened to you., Describe a television programme you watched and did not enjoy., Describe a foreign culture that you like., Describe a TV or radio presenter., Describe a poisonous plant you know about., What do you think about bedtime stories?.
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