1) get along a) when two people like each other and are friendly to each other b) without other people c) to obtain, buy, or earn something 2) go back a) to walk in the opposite direction b) to return c) to return something to the person who gave it to you 3) go out a) to have a romantic relationship with someone b) to not include someone or something c) to leave a website, etc. so that you have to enter your personal details again the next time you want to use it 4) settle down a) to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner b) to move your body so that the lower part of it is resting on a seat or on the ground: c) to end a relationship 5) work out a) to do a job outside b) to happen or result in a particular way c) to start something 6) get together a) to obtain, buy, or earn something b) to have a romantic relationship with someone c) to meet other people, having arranged it before 7) hang out with a) to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone b) to wait for a short time c) to put something at the top leaving the other parts free to move 8) move away a) to change position b) to cause someone to have strong feelings, such as sadness, sympathy, happiness, or admiration c) to go to a different place to live or work 9) sign up a) to agree to become involved in an organized activity b) to write your name, usually on a written or printed document c) to make musical sounds with the voice, usually a tune with words 10) turn out a) to change the direction in which you are facing or moving b) to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one c) to use a control to switch a piece of equipment off

B1 Phrasal Verbs Quiz


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