1) The ___________ Enormous Crocodile wanted to eat more and more children. a) greedy b) grin c) kind 2) Muggle Wump said ' I hope you ___________ on the buttons' when The Enormous Croc wanted to eat children with clothes on. a) laugh b) choke c) gulp 3) The Enormous Crocodile thinks children are not nasty, they are ________________. a) delicious b) disgusting c) slimy 4) He thinks kids are better food than _________ old fish. a) rotten b) tasty c) great 5) The Enormous Croc started to ___________ forward towards the town quietly.  a) run away b) creep c) look 6) Trunky liked to ___________ on leaves on the top of tall trees.  Trunky liked to _______________ leaves from the top of tall trees. a) swing b) nibble c) climb 7) All the animals hated the Enormous Crocodile because he was _____________ to all of them. a) dirty b) ugly c) mean 8) Humpy -Rumpy the Hippopotamus came rushing out of the jungle his head down and ______________ at a terrific speed. a) galloping b) grinning c) creeping 9) His terrible ____________ teeth sparkling like knives in the sun.  a) chewy b) tough c) sharp 10) Muggle-Wump went _____________. He looked sick. a) fiend b) horrid c) pale

The Enormous Crocodile- Revision



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