abide by - to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with it, absent from - not at work, school, a meeting etc, because you are sick or decide not to go, abstain from - to not do or have something you enjoy, especially alcohol or sex, usually for reasons of religion or health, accompanied by - in company of sb, according to - as shown by something or stated by someone, account for - to explain, accuse sb of - to say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad, accustomed to - to be familiar with something and accept it as normal, acquainted with - you have met sb a few times but do not know them very well, addicted to - unable to stop taking a harmful substance, especially a drug, adequate for - enough in quantity or of a good enough quality for a particular purpose, adjacent to - next to, advantage of - a good or useful feature that something has, adavantage over - something that helps you to be more successful than others, advice on - an opinion you give someone about what they should do, advice against - an opinion you give someone about what they shouldn't do, afraid of - scared of, agree to/on sth; agree with sb - to have or express the same opinion about something as someone else, bad at - having no skill or ability in a particular activity, bad to sb - not good for sb, ban sb from sth - to say that something must not be done, seen, used etc, base on - to use something as the thing from which something else can be developed, basis for - the facts, ideas, or things from which something can be developed, beg for - to ask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you want it very much, begin with/by - to do first, call at/on - to visit, campaign against/for - to lead or take part in a series of actions intended to achieve a particular social or political result, capable of - able to do things well, care about - to think that something is important, so that you are interested in it, worried about it etc, care for sb - to take care of someone,

Phrases (part 1)


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