Chocolate - Easter eggs are often made out of this treat., Basket - Collect your eggs in this., Spring - The season in which Easter is celebrated., Bonnet - Women wear this fancy hat. , Dye - The liquid used to color Easter eggs., Hop - The way rabbits move around., Easter Egg Hunt - A fun activity with hidden eggs., Eggs - Children dye these for Easter., Bunny - A baby rabbit. , April - The Fourth month of the year., March - The third month of the year., Chick - A baby chicken., Sunday - A special day for celebrations., Hot cross buns - An Easter special dessert., Cross - A Christian symbol., Church - The building for religious services. , Ham - A type of meat. , Candy - A sweet treat that you can find inside the Easter eggs., Preztel - A dry and salty biscuit., Holiday - Easter is a religious...,

Easter! Gameshow 20


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