牛油 - Butter, 牛肉 - Beef, 馬路 - Street, road, 馬桶 - Toilet, 小鳥 - Little bird, 鳥巢 - Bird nest, 鯊魚 - Shark, 釣魚 - To fish, 名字 - Name, 有名 - Famous , 文字 - Word, character, 寫字 - To write, 媽媽 - Mother, 兒子 - Son, 女兒 - Daughter , 分數 - Score, fraction, 分開 - To separate, to set apart, 門把 - Doorknob, 把手 - Handle, 又來了 - Come again, did again, 合作 - To cooperate, 合起來 - To close up, to add up to,



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