modest - Eric is so ___! He always has such great ideas and never takes any credit for them., outgoing - The Wongs like meeting new people and having friends over for dinner. They're one of the most ___ couples I know., unreliable - You can't trust Alice. She always promises to do something, but then she never does it. She's pretty ___., supportive - James wants to be an actor. It's hard to break into the business, but his family is very ___ of his dreams., temperamental - I never know how to act around Lisa! One minute she's in a good mood, and the next minute she's in a bad mood. She's so ___., easygoing - Sharon makes me feel comfortable and appreciated. She's an ___ type of person. , egotistical - She never considers anyone but herself - she's totally ___., inflexible - He doesn't listen to me! He's so ___ on the subject., stingy - He's really ___ and never buys anyone a drink when we go out.,

Personality traits


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