When you arrive at an airport, the ____ will show you the ____ (e.g. BA735), departure times (e.g. 08.40), and ____ . At ____, someone will check your ticket and ____ your luggage. If it is more than, for example, 20 kilograms, you will have to ____. You can take your hand luggage with you on the ____. You also get your ____ and then you can go through ____, where someone ____, and into the departure lounge, where you can buy things in the ____ shop, e.g. cigarettes and perfume. Shortly before ____, you go to the place where you get on the plane, e.g. Gate 3 or ____ 5. When you ____, you can put your hand luggage in a small cupboard above your seat called an ____. You then have to ____. If there are no ____, the plane moves slowly to the ____, then it takes off. When the plane ____, there is always an ____ from a member of the ____ telling passengers to wait until the plane completely stops before they stand up. Then you get off the plane and walk through the ____ to passport control. When you’ve got your luggage from ____, you ____ and leave the airport.

Departure & Arrival


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